Sartors Amadeus

Gender: Male

Date Of Birth: 30 June 2010

Registration nr: KNN 261

KNN Status: Mainbook

Dam: Nicole

Colour: Black Leopard

Maturation Height: 16.3 hands

Pedigree: View PDF


Amadeus is a purebred (12/16) black leopard Knabstrupper with some of the best Danish and German Knabstrupper lineage of all times. He also has the added advantage of some solid proven warmblood lineage in his 4th generation, Royal ZII and Ramiro Z. He has strong colour-producing lines and a strong tendency towards leopards and black-based colour. Amadeus looks slightly more like the typical Baroque Knabstrupper due to his pure Knabstrupper lineage. He has more pronounced facial structures and is a bigger-boned horse overall, features that are so typically associated with the more classical type Knabstrupper, but at the same time he shows great athletic ability and height. He has been professionally schooled and completed his Danish performance testing. His full sister is based in Switzerland and owned by Anita Olsen, also the owner of dressage stallion Xquisite Middelsom. His half brother-Sartors SuperModel, same dam, is owned by Cayuse stud in Australia.


Upal van Norholm, KNN 177 black leopard measuring 1.67m (16.2 h), was at a very young age the ZfdP winner at his approval test as well as Champion Stallion 2001. He was the only Knabstrupper stallion worldwide who passed the 70-days performance test with distinction. He received marks of 8.5 and above with 9.5 for jumping ability. He is also an approved breeding stallion with the KNN with overall marks of 8 and 9 for his canter. Upal is an exceptional mover with a natural talent for jumping. He is a very versatile stallion that competes successfully in jumping, dressage, hunting and vaulting. Upal is jumping 140 cm with ease and performing at higher level dressage. He is being described as a loyal riding partner with the aim to please. Not often will you find a stallion with all the above qualities dressed in an exotic eye-catching exterior to dazzle. He is sired by Ursus af Norholm, a Knabstrupper stallion of note, out of Abelone af Gram.

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Nicole, KNN 2117 licensed black leopard mare measured at 16.1 h with impressive breeding, was sired by the well known Rasmus af Hallundbaek KNN 119 measured at 163 cm (Rasmus af Damgard-KNN 067 out of Vibeke af Hallunbaek-8240048), out of Helle af Hojmark KNN 1408 measuring at 162 cm (Gaucho-KNN 052 out of Jette af Hojmark 7301764). Rasmus af Hallundbaek did not only ace his own performance test but showed great breeding ability as well. He has forward moving, athletic and fluid paces with a broad chest, a well-muscled neck with a natural top line and good bone structure. With his fantastic Knabstrupper temperament he is ridden in both dressage and showjumping. He has been frequently ridden by a 12-year-old rider. He sired many licensed offspring throughout the world with more than 6 licensed breeding sons and half siblings to Lea: three of them in Denmark, two in Germany, one in France and one in Great Britain. These offspring include Figaro af Hallundbaek, superior equine sire with a rideability of 10, the gorgeous Aladdin, Boleo and Ravaldi, the sire of many international competing horses and of Holmgards Bastian, winner of Best Stallion at the UK 2007 KNN Grading, as well as Lucas Nørmark and Amadeus Normark, KNN winner that needs no introduction. Rasmus Af Damgard is also the sire of Don Ibrahim that sired the well-known Xantos. Xantos is a dressage breeding sire legend that produced champions like Xquisit, Xhogun, Zanko, Xavoy, Harlequin, Xaxon and Zenia, all bred by Middelsom stud. Lea’s sire lineage can be traced back to 1683 to the stallion named Suberbe as well as the legend Hugin (Bent Banderup’s personal riding horse).