Foals 2021 – 2024


Homebred Majestic Knabstrupper foals!

Each one is very valuable to us and we would like to place them only at the most suitable homes where they will be appreciated for their quality and beauty. These homes are of course chosen and they cannot “just” be bought.

Our foals are worth more than money since we put years of research into their breeding to source the most suitable proven dam and sire lines to bring to South Africa. The breeding of these foals cannot be repeated anywhere in the world because they have a specific genetic composition produced in a distinctive environment. We prefer to raise our own foals since it is a stress free experience with a horse safe environment with enough space, home-grown good quality roughage, top quality homemade concentrates and enough social interaction.

Foals are registered with the KNN and when of age licensed with the KNN that travels to countries outside of the EU.  All foals come with an EU passport and registration number. Please keep in mind a Knabstrupper is not only a horse it is an individual. People that have visited our stud knows the differences.

Next foals due end of August-October 2019 out of Sartor Pashmina, MOT Granella and Mossandi Nikkei by Figaro af Hallundbaek. All foals will be eligble for KNN Main book registration with EU passports.