Majestic Donna Anna

Gender: Female

Date Of Birth: 10 September 2017

Registration nr: 208333KN1703115 DKKN

KNN Status: Mainbook

Colour: Chestnut fewspot

Maturation Height: 16.3hands

Overall Score: 9/10


Donna Anna was evaluated as a 2 year old by the international Danish inspectors. The following statements were made by the judges: Feminine filly of good type whom scored 9’s for frame, limbs and movement. Suitable depth and width. Expressive head. Well set on neck of only medium length. Very good shoulder and withers. Very good topline that functions well. Well-shaped croup. Correctly aligned, clean limbs of proportionate substance with good definition of the joints. Good hooves. Good walk, narrow behind. Excellent trot. Very good canter with good scope. She was overall best at the evaluations!

Donna Anna is an elegant Knabstrupper homozygous LP filly with the PATN1 gene complex with quality to compete at high level dressage and jumping. Donna Anna is out of our GOLD medaljion mare, Sartor Danish Design, by Figaro af Hallundbaek and will be kept as a future stud asset to continue this exceptional lineage. Exquisite Knabstrupper to Knabstrupper breeding!

Majestic Donna Anna produced her first foal, Majestic Orpheus. A super homozygous colt by Sartor Amadeus! Have a look at the foal pages for him.