Majestic Femme Fatale

Gender: Female

Date Of Birth: 16 November 2017

Registration nr: 208333KN1703461

KNN Status: Mainbook

Dam: Diva

Colour: Chestnut

Maturation Height: 16.3 hands

Overall Score: 8/10


Femme was evaluated as a 2 year old by the international Danish inspectors. The following statements were made by the judges: 2-year old filly of very good type. Pretty head. Well set on, well-shaped neck. Good shoulder. Very good withers. Good topline. Clean limbs of proportionate substance. Good walk. Good trot. Fairly good canter. The filly shapes herself well when moving.

Femme is out of a performance tested St.Pr.A. Hanoverian mare, Diva, bought on the Elite Auction in Germany. This mare competed up to medium level at the age of 8 where after she was bought for our breeding program. She was also a winning mare in Germany for her age group during breed evaluations. Her sire Figaro Af Hallundbaek is a performance tested Knabstrupper stallion whom is well known world-wide for his top quality offspring. This filly is destined to be bred first before being produced for stud promotion.

She is currently in foal to our imported performance tested Knabstrupper stallion, Sartor Amadeus. Due August 2022.