Majestic Dancing Queen

Gender: Female

Date Of Birth: 22 December 2017

Registration nr: 208333KN1703658

KNN Status: Mainbook

Colour: Bay near leopard

Maturation Height: 17.1 hands

Overall Score: 8/10


Dancing Queen was evaluated as a 2 year old by the international Danish inspectors. The following statements were made by the judges: Filly of good type whom scored a 9 for frame. Suitable depth. Pretty head. Well set on neck of medium length. Very good shoulder and withers. Good topline. Well-shaped croup. Limbs of proportionate substance with good definition and angles of the joints.

Dancing Queen is an elegant Knabstrupper mare with quality to compete at high level dressage and jumping. Her parents (both imported) obtained high marks for both these sports during their ridden performance testing. She is exceptionally tall and bold. Exquisite Knabstrupper to Knabstrupper breeding!

She has produced her first foal and what a diamond! Black leopard filly by Figaro af Hallundbaek, Majestic Moonlight Dance. Please have a look on the foal pages.